Common Medical to Dental Procedures and Where to Find Them
For example, let's find an open procedure for a patient being seen with a dislocated temporomandibular joint. It is repaired with an open procedure. Let's walk you through the sections to get you to the final code.
Look through the six sections. We know it was a surgical procedure on the Temporomandibular joint, so we start in the surgery section.
Now you can see how the procedures are set up pertaining to the skeletal system on the head (e.g., Incision, Excision, Manipulation, Head prosthesis, Introduction, Repair, Revision and or Reconstruction).
Surgical Procedures on the Musculoskeletal System
Surgical Procedures on the Head
Now the final determining factor for code selection is the approach and the most specific code. Was it an open, closed, or percutaneous procedure that was performed?
Surgical Procedures on the Musculoskeletal System
Surgical Procedures on the Head
Fracture and/or Dislocation Procedures on the Head
There are many other procedures and disorders covered under healthcare plans. The list below outlines a few common conditions that are likely covered. It is always recommended that you verify the patient's benefits and policy coverage prior to any procedure. In addition, to ensure you receive proper reimbursement for the services you provide, always review the payer's policy for documentation and conditions required for coverage. Find-A-Code offers commercial payer policies, including Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) and National coverage determinations (NCDs), based on the provider's Medicare jurisdiction.
- Biopsies
- Bone atrophy resulting in ill-fitting dentures
- Bone grafts
- CT scans and exams
- Consults for medically necessary procedures
- Denture-related pressure ulcers
- Endodontics due to trauma or medical conditions
- Mucositis
- Oral Cancer
- Oral Surgery
- Reconstruction: trauma or other condition
- Sinus Lifts
- Sleep Apnea Appliances
- TMJ Treatment and appliances
- Tooth Loss due to Trauma
- Tooth Loss due to a systemic condition