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HIPAA Final Rule Eliminates HPID and OEID

Wyn Staheli, Director of Content - innoviHealth

In October, CMS released a final rule which eliminates the requirement for health plans to obtain a unique health plan identifier (HPID) and also eliminates the voluntary use of the other entity identifier (OEID). This change becomes effective December 27, 2019.

Back in 2012, there was a final rule establishing the requirement to use these two new identifiers in an effort to simplify transactions; however, feedback from stakeholders indicated that instead of reducing costs and burdens, it would do the opposite. In 2014, HHS "... issued a statement of enforcement... which delayed enforcement of the requirements pertaining to HPID enumeration and use of the HPID in the HIPAA transactions. Enforcement discretion meant that HHS would not impose penalties if it determined a covered entity was out of compliance with the September 2012 final rule."

For those customers who have a HIPAA Compliance - 4th Edition book, just cross off the references to these identifiers on pages 31 and 33.